What movie did you rewatch endlessly as a kid?
Santa's reindeer are sick, what animals do you want to see pulling his sled instead?
What's a C-grade movie you would like to see remade into an A-grade movie?
Whats your favorite song at the moment?
If your car horn could say words instead of honk what would you want it to say?
What should the first city on Mars be called?
What movie quotes do you use on a regular basis?
When did you screw something up, but no one ever found out it was you?
What actor/actress would you have play the role of you in an autobiographical film?
What actor/actress instantly ruins a movie for you?
You’re a burglar, but you only steal thing(s) to slightly inconvenience your victims. What are you stealing?
What plant do you most resonate with?
What was a huge trend that everyone forgot about?
Chocolate is now illegal. What’s its street name?
What did you want so badly to be good, but just wasn’t?
What film really frightened you as a child?
What popular movie have you never seen?
From now on, everyone takes everything you say literally. What is an expression or phase you will have to use carefully as a result?
What’s the worst movie you’ve ever watched the whole way through?
If you were to create a slogan for your life, what would the slogan be?
What would be the worst “buy one get one free” sale of all time?
What has been ruined because too many people are doing it?
What’s your unpopular opinion when it comes to music?
If you were to play a professional sport, what sport and team would you play for?
If you were a professional wrestler, what would your wrestler name be?
A wizard is selling potions but the good ones are all too expensive, which potions would you find in the discount bin?
What popular tourist attraction is TOTALLY not worth it?
You can fill a pool with anything you want (money, gold, coins, anything valuable really), but you must jump into it from 30 feet and survive in order to keep what you filled it in with. What would you fill the pool up with?
If you were to give a TED talk, what would your talk be titled and what would the topic be?
If you would create a holiday, what would it be called and how would we celebrate it? When would this holiday be?
Would you rather have no bones in your knees or no bones in your elbows?
What smells makes you think about a nice memory? What is that memory?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
What throwback era of fashion would you wear on a daily basis if society was accepting of said style?
If you had a podcast what would it be called?
If you were to have any fictional character (from tv, film, books, oral stories etc.) be your best friend, who/what would it be and why?
What is your best/go-to trivia team name?
If you had a boat, what would you name it?
If you were a bird, what kind of bird would you be?
If you had to pick your own DJ name, what would it be?
If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called?
If you were to have a famous Youtube channel, what would be the topic of your channel?
What is something that is really popular now, but in 5 years everyone will look back on and be embarrassed by?
What is your nervous tick or "mindless habit" you tend to do when stressed or anxious?
If you had to replace both your hands with pieces of garden equipment, what would you choose?
What is the WORST place you could get stuck?
What childish thing do you still enjoy today?
What is one food you absolutely hated as a kid, but love now?
If you were an alien, what would be the first thing that you questioned about Earth?
If you could ask your pet a question, what would you ask?
Would you rather never be able to lie, or never be able to tell the truth?
Do you think you judge yourself by different standards than you judge others? If so… higher or lower standards?
If you were a condiment, which one would you be and why?
What “old person” things do you do?
What is the most overrated food according to you?
You have a 10 second phonecall with your younger self. What do you say?
What would be awesome to have 3 of, but terrible to have 300?
What minor annoyance would you wish on your worst enemy, every day, forever?
If you were a mixologist, what cocktail would you invent (Ingredients + the Name)?
On which gameshow would you want to be a contestant, and why?
Would you prefer to be permanently 500 years in the future or 500 years in the past?
What movie would be greatly improved if it was made into a musical?
What is the ugliest vegetable?
If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
Does having jealousy provide value to humans? or is it purely negative?
What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
What is a phobia you have?
What grammatical error gets you most upset?
If you could have prevented a TV series from being cancelled, what would it be?
What animal would be cool/more cool if it was the size of a horse?
What is something (habit/action) we do today that will be ridiculous/obsolete in 30 years?
How much would it cost in order to shave your head (sz. 1 on the clippers) ?
You are rewarded $100K if you avoid physical contact (i.e. handshakes, etc.) for a month, what do you tell people to stop them from touching you?
If you had to pick a movie and main actor, but replace all of the other characters with muppets — which movie and actor combination would you pick?
What movie was better than the book and why?
What would be the worst kind of fusion restaurant?
In what movie did you like the bad guy more than the good guy?
What's something you've been grateful for lately?
If you could start a YouTube channel, what would it be?
What is the 'one' YouTube video (or other form of media) that will always make you laugh or smile?
What is the weirdest flavor combination you like that is actually delicious?
What is your favorite "Cover song" (song cover not by the original author) of all time?
What's one of the best Wi-Fi Network Names you've seen?
If you could squeeze any condiment out of your belly-button on demand, what condiment would you choose and why?
If you had to select a letter of the alphabet and ONLY eat foods that started with that letter, what letter would you pick?
If you had a nickel for every time __________, you'd be very rich. What would the blank be?
What 3 famous people, living or dead, would you want at your fantasy dinner party?
What topic(s) are you seen as the "go-to person" for advice?
If you could start a podcast with anyone in the world, who would you co-host a podcast with and what would be the topic(s)?
What's something you've learned recently?
If you could be the celebrity spokesperson for any brand, what brand would you advocate for and why?
Let's say you are famous and your favorite restaurant decides to create an entree or dessert named after you. What is the name of the restaurant and the recipe for the dish?
What board game (or card game) could you play for hours and hours on end?
What was the last movie you watched that really made you feel something?
If you could go back in time and tell your parents to give you a different name, would you? If so, what name?
What kind of Uber rider are you?
What is an epiphany you've had recently?
What is the greatest music video of all time?
What's a "change" in your life that excites you?
What's your favorite and/or most used life hack?
You can make an army of clones from one person, who would it be and why?
If you had a word cloud for all the words / phrases that you use the most, what words/phrases would make up the largest clouds?
What solo artists should start a band together?
Netflix just paid you a ton of money to produce your own special/movie/tv series. What’s it called and what’s it about?
What's the most mind-boggling theory you've ever heard?
Is it pronounced Gif or Jif?
What movie could you not finish because it was that bad?
What’s a harsh truth that you needed to hear from someone else?
What's your first concert?
What's something you prefer to do the old-fashioned way?
If you could change one rule in any sport to make it more entertaining, what would you change?
Question of the Day (QOTD)
In the early days of Algolia Atlanta, we found ourselves with a daily tradition during our lunch time - someone would pose a “Question of the Day” — sometimes philosophical, sometimes humorous — and we’d each take turns answering the prompt out loud.
This eventually morphed into a company-wide slack channel known as #QOTD — this repository exists as a record of those questions and it’s something that I continue to add to over time.
Feel free to reference this list as inspiration for your own engagement initiatives - whether it’s a meeting icebreaker or a team-building exercise. Hope you enjoy!